Galaxy application (backend)
Project description
The Galaxy application logic (backend).
24.0.0 (2024-04-02)
Bug fixes
Reload built-in converters on toolbox reload by @bernt-matthias in #17209
Optional Reply-to SMTP header in tool error reports by @neoformit in #17243
Rollback invalidated transaction: catch them earlier by @jdavcs in #17312
Fix data_source and data_source_async bugs by @wm75 in #17422
More efficient change_state queries, maybe fix deadlock by @mvdbeek in #17632
Separate ConnectedValue from RuntimeValue by @mvdbeek in #17678
Fix step type serialization for StoredWorkflowDetailed models by @mvdbeek in #17716
Also set extension and metadata on copies of job outputs when finishing job by @mvdbeek in #17777
Defer job attributes that are usually not needed by @mvdbeek in #17795
Fix change_datatype PJA for dynamic collections by @mvdbeek in #17803
Fix archived histories mixing with active in histories list by @davelopez in #17856
Normalize extensions when loading tool by @mvdbeek in #17868
Add harmonize collections tool (or whatever other name) by @lldelisle in #16662
Support for OIDC API Auth and OIDC integration tests by @nuwang in #16977
Toward declarative help for Galaxy markdown directives. by @jmchilton in #16979
Extend regex groups in stdio regex matches by @bernt-matthias in #17016
Remove web framework dependency from tools by @davelopez in #17058
Add select parameter with options from remote resources by @mvdbeek in #17087
Expose more tool information / navigability in UI. by @jmchilton in #17105
SA2.0 updates: handling “object is being merged into a Session along the backref cascade path” by @jdavcs in #17122
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #17123
Towards SQLAlchemy 2.0: fix last cases of RemovedIn20Warning by @jdavcs in #17132
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #17157
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #17201
Fix usage of graphene-sqlalchemy, bump to 3.0.0rc1 by @jdavcs in #17216
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #17230
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #17235
Allow job files to consume TUS uploads by @jmchilton in #17242
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #17247
Consider Null inputs by @bernt-matthias in #17271
Add OIDC backend configuration schema and validation by @uwwint in #17274
Adds delete, purge and undelete batch operations to History Grid by @guerler in #17282
Add __KEEP_SUCCESS_DATASETS__ by @lldelisle in #17294
API endpoint that allows “changing” the objectstore for “safe” scenarios. by @jmchilton in #17329
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #17333
Add element_identifier and ext to inputs config file export by @bernt-matthias in #17357
Remove unused statements in job search function by @mvdbeek in #17361
Fix type annotation of code using XML etree by @nsoranzo in #17367
More specific type annotation for BaseJobExec.parse_status() by @nsoranzo in #17381
Cancel all active jobs when the user is deleted by @davelopez in #17390
Purge groups and roles from DB (for real) by @davelopez in #17411
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #17420
Allow using tool data bundles as inputs to reference data select parameters by @mvdbeek in #17435
Allow filtering history datasets by object store ID and quota source. by @jmchilton in #17460
data_column parameter: use column_names metadata if present by @bernt-matthias in #17478
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #17486
Consolidate resource grids into tab views by @guerler in #17487
add encode ID API endpoint by @mira-miracoli in #17510
Fixing data_source tools and incrementing tool profile by @wm75 in #17515
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #17541
Add image_diff comparison method for test output verification using images by @kostrykin in #17556
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #17580
Restore histories API behavior for keys query parameter by @davelopez in #17779
Fix datasets API custom keys encoding by @davelopez in #17793
Improved error messages for runtime sharing problems. by @jmchilton in #17794
Allow admin to sharpen language about selected object stores. by @jmchilton in #17806
Other changes
consistently compare profile versions by @bernt-matthias in #16492
23.2.1 (2024-02-21)
Bug fixes
pin fs.dropboxfs to >=1 by @bernt-matthias in #16451
Remove unnecessary check: item cannot be None by @jdavcs in #16550
Fix: serialize tool_shed_urls directly from the API by @davelopez in #16561
Fix dependency update GitHub workflow by @nsoranzo in #16639
Ensure Job belongs to current SA session by @jdavcs in #16647
Account for shared usage between TS and galaxy apps by @jdavcs in #16746
move the email and username redacting from the role loop by @martenson in #16805
chore: fix typos by @afuetterer in #16851
Update help in relabel_from_file.xml by @lldelisle in #16891
Fix subtle bug in listify function + simplify list munging by @jdavcs in #16904
Enhancement to Tool Form page, Repeating form fields implement parameter instructions by @hujambo-dunia in #17018
Expose file_name property in DatasetFilenameWrapper by @jdavcs in #17107
Backport Rollback invalidated transaction: catch them earlier by @mvdbeek in #17315
Discard sqlalchemy session after task completion by @mvdbeek in #17317
Scope session for job runner monitor loop by @mvdbeek in #17319
Fix History contents genome_build filter postgresql bug by @ahmedhamidawan in #17384
Build param dict before creating entrypoint by @mvdbeek in #17440
Set metadata states on dataset association, not dataset by @mvdbeek in #17474
Remove two print statements by @bernt-matthias in #17480
Provide working routes.url_for every ASGI request by @mvdbeek in #17497
Implement default locations for data and collection parameters. by @jmchilton in #14955
Add parameter name to validation errors by @bernt-matthias in #15440
Tool Shed 2.0 by @jmchilton in #15639
Add ability to assert metadata properties on input dataset parameters by @bernt-matthias in #15825
Limit number of celery task executions per second per user by @claudiofr in #16232
Delete non-terminal jobs and subworkflow invocations when cancelling invocation by @mvdbeek in #16252
Towards SQLAlchemy 2.0 (upgrades to SA Core usage) by @jdavcs in #16264
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #16305
Add carbon emissions admin configuration options by @Renni771 in #16307
Migrate a part of the users API to Fast API by @heisner-tillman in #16341
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #16360
Add Invenio RDM repository integration by @davelopez in #16381
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #16389
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #16409
Refactor FilesDialog + Remote Files API schema improvements by @davelopez in #16420
Towards SQLAlchemy 2.0 (upgrades to SA ORM usage in /test) by @jdavcs in #16431
SQLAlchemy 2.0 upgrades to ORM usage in /lib by @jdavcs in #16434
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #16436
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #16485
Rename MetadataEqualsValidator by @bernt-matthias in #16489
Add support for CILogon deployments in different regions than the US by @uwwint in #16490
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #16521
Move database access code out of galaxy.util by @jdavcs in #16526
Tweak tool memory use and optimize shared memory when using preload by @mvdbeek in #16536
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #16577
Workflow Comments 💬 by @ElectronicBlueberry in #16612
Switch out conditional requirement parser by @mvdbeek in #16636
Add scroll pagination and username filter to HistoryPublishedList by @ahmedhamidawan in #16642
Bump samtools converters by @bernt-matthias in #16668
Galaxy Markdown - add workflow image and license to Galaxy markdown. by @jmchilton in #16672
Implement instance URLs in Galaxy markdown. by @jmchilton in #16675
Use fs.onedatarestfs for Onedata files source plugin implementation by @lopiola in #16690
Enhance task monitor composable by @davelopez in #16695
Misc. edits/refactorings to session handling by @jdavcs in #16712
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #16735
Convert ISO to UTC for Date/Time in workflow reports by @assuntad23 in #16758
Replace ELIXIR AAI button with Life Science login by @sebastian-schaaf in #16762
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #16770
Migrate a part of the jobs API to Fast API by @heisner-tillman in #16778
Add EGI Check-in as OIDC authentication option by @enolfc in #16782
Replace file_name property with get_file_name function by @SergeyYakubov in #16783
Updated path-based interactive tools with entry point path injection, support for ITs with relative links, shortened URLs, doc and config updates including Podman job_conf by @sveinugu in #16795
Galaxy help forum integration by @ElectronicBlueberry in #16798
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #16807
Another batch of SA2.0 edits in TS2.0 (part 3) by @jdavcs in #16833
Remove remaining legacy backbone form input elements by @guerler in #16834
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #16853
Drop unused HistoryContentManager code and related tests by @jdavcs in #16882
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #16896
Enable some flake8-logging-format rules in ruff by @nsoranzo in #16915
Remove “Create Workflow” form and allow workflow creation in editor by @ahmedhamidawan in #16938
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #16939
Add helper to get dataset or collection via src and id by @mr-c in #16953
Allow non-optional integer/float params without value attribute by @nsoranzo in #16966
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #16978
Fix invocation report to target correct workflow version. by @jmchilton in #17008
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #17011
Upgrade job manager’s index_query method to SA2.0 by @jdavcs in #17020
optimize object store cache operations by @SergeyYakubov in #17025
Require name for workflows on save, set default to Unnamed Workflow by @ahmedhamidawan in #17038
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #17050
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #17084
Use python-isal for fast zip deflate compression in rocrate export by @mvdbeek in #17342
Other changes
23.1.4 (2024-01-04)
Bug fixes
Fix workflow index total matches counting by @davelopez in #17176
Fix url_for in tool error reports by @davelopez in #17210
23.1.3 (2023-12-01)
No recorded changes since last release
23.1.2 (2023-11-29)
Bug fixes
Fix unbound runner variable when there is an error in the job config by @mvdbeek in #16906
Fix discarded dataset ordering in Storage Dashboard by @davelopez in #16929
Include owner’s annotation when exporting workflow by @dannon in #16930
Skip state filtering in __MERGE_COLLECTION__ tool by @mvdbeek in #16937
Prevent Singular external auth users from disconnecting identity by @ahmedhamidawan in #16961
Prevent workflow submission with missing input values by @mvdbeek in #17048
Fix extra files collection if using store_by="id" and outputs_to_working_directory by @mvdbeek in #17067
Remove rollback from __check_jobs_at_startup by @mvdbeek in #17085
23.1.1 (2023-10-23)
Bug fixes
read job_conf directly from config_dir instead of computing it again from config_file by @bernt-matthias in #15596
Fix revision scripts, run migrations in CI, add repair option, improve migrations utils by @jdavcs in #15811
Fix and test startup with Python 3.11 on macOS by @nsoranzo in #16082
Fix : Ignore error messages for admin created accounts by @jvanbraekel in #16132
Ensure session is request-scoped for legacy endpoints by @jdavcs in #16207
Fix “database is locked” error (occurring in the context of workflow testing under SQLite) by @jdavcs in #16208
Fix ordering of data libraries from API by @martenson in #16300
qualify querying for an api-key by @martenson in #16320
Fix tags ownership by @davelopez in #16339
Fix histories count by @davelopez in #16400
Fix select statement syntax for SQLAlchemy 2.0 by @jdavcs in #16421
Run through tmp_dir_creation_statement only once by @mvdbeek in #16529
Fix double-encoding notification content by @mvdbeek in #16530
Limit tool document cache to tool configs with explicit cache path by @mvdbeek in #16537
Fix multiple remote test data by @davelopez in #16542
Ignore errors with user-set job resources by @mvdbeek in #16579
Fix replacement parameters for subworkflows. by @jmchilton in #16592
make sure that TMP, TEMP, and TMPDIR are set by @bernt-matthias in #16594
Reload toolbox after forking when using –preload by @mvdbeek in #16620
Account for expires/expires_in when refreshing token by @mvdbeek in #16621
Fixes for conditional subworkflow steps by @mvdbeek in #16632
Ensure Job belongs to current SA session by @mvdbeek in #16655
Fix expression evaluation for nested state by @mvdbeek in #16656
Make sort_collection tool require terminal datasets by @mvdbeek in #16661
Push to object store even if set_meta fails by @mvdbeek in #16667
Fix metadata setting in extended metadata + outputs_to_working_directory mode by @mvdbeek in #16678
Fix regex validation for global inline flags by @mvdbeek in #16683
Fix closed transaction error on galaxy startup/check jobs by @jdavcs in #16687
Add missing join condition in job search by @mvdbeek in #16710
Copy the collection contents by default when copying a collection by @mvdbeek in #16717
Fix collection id encoding by @davelopez in #16718
Workaround for XML nodes of job resource parameters losing their children by @kysrpex in #16728
move the email and username redacting from the role loop by @martenson in #16820
Fix parameter display in job info page for tools with sections by @mvdbeek in #16821
Fix workflow preview display if tool state does not contain all parameter values by @mvdbeek in #16829
Fix and prevent persisting null file_size by @mvdbeek in #16855
Allow referring to steps by label only in markdown editor by @mvdbeek in #16861
Fix safe update version handling in run form by @mvdbeek in #16865
Remove more flushes in database operation tools by @mvdbeek in #16875
Empower Users to Select Storage Destination by @jmchilton in #14073
External Login Flow: Redirect users if account already exists by @ahmedhamidawan in #15019
Various Tool Shed Cleanup by @jmchilton in #15247
Add Storage Management API by @davelopez in #15295
OIDC tokens by @SergeyYakubov in #15300
Expose additional beaker caching backends by @claudiofr in #15349
Add support for visualizing HDF5 datasets. by @jarrah42 in #15394
Towards SQLAlchemy 2.0: drop session autocommit setting by @jdavcs in #15421
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #15435
Fix for new style conda packages by @bernt-matthias in #15446
Move database access code out of tool_util by @jdavcs in #15467
Protection against problematic boolean parameters. by @jmchilton in #15493
Use connection instead of session for ItemGrabber by @jdavcs in #15496
Explore tool remote test data by @davelopez in #15510
Handle “email_from” config option consistently, as per schema description by @jdavcs in #15557
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #15564
Drop workflow exports to by @dannon in #15576
Update database_heartbeat for SA 2.0 compatibility by @jdavcs in #15611
Add suggested Training material to Tool Form by @ElectronicBlueberry in #15628
Wrap check_jobs_at_startup operation in a transaction (SA 2.0 compatibility) by @jdavcs in #15643
Add Galaxy Notification System by @davelopez in #15663
Add transactional state to JobHandlerStopQueue by @jdavcs in #15671
Verify that activation and reset emails are properly generated by @guerler in #15681
Add transactional state to workflow scheduling manager by @jdavcs in #15683
Remove DELETED_NEW job state from code base by @jdavcs in #15690
Fix/Enhance recalculate disk usage API endpoint by @davelopez in #15739
Add API test and refactor code for related:hid history filter by @ahmedhamidawan in #15786
Migrate to MyST-Parser for Markdown docs by @nsoranzo in #15844
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #15890
Allow pending inputs in some collection operation tools by @mvdbeek in #15892
Updated doc and tests for attribute value filter by @tuncK in #15929
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #15942
Record input datasets and collections at full parameter path by @mvdbeek in #15978
Export tool citations configurable message by @minh-biocommons in #15998
Add History Archival feature by @davelopez in #16003
Code cleanups from ruff and pyupgrade by @nsoranzo in #16035
Add missing fields to HistorySummary schema model by @davelopez in #16041
Vendorise packaging.versions.LegacyVersion by @nsoranzo in #16058
Add Repository owner field to ToolSearch by @ahmedhamidawan in #16061
Add count support for listing filters by @davelopez in #16075
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #16086
Improved Cache Monitoring for Object Stores by @jmchilton in #16110
Integrate accessibility testing into Selenium testing by @jmchilton in #16122
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #16123
Improve histories and datasets immutability checks by @davelopez in #16143
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #16153
Migrate display applications API to Fast API by @heisner-tillman in #16156
adjust grid sharing indicators by @martenson in #16163
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #16182
Drop workarounds for old ro-crate-py and docutils versions by @mvdbeek in #16198
bring grids for (published) pages on par with workflows by @martenson in #16209
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #16227
Update Python dependencies by @galaxybot in #16267
Fix tool remote test data by @davelopez in #16311
Fix Storage Dashboard missing archived histories by @davelopez in #16473
Drop expunge_all() call in WebTransactionRequest by @mvdbeek in #16606
Other changes
Follow up on object store selection PR. by @jmchilton in #15654
merge release_23.0 into dev by @martenson in #15830
Move axe-selenium-python to dev dependencies by @nsoranzo in #16162
23.0.6 (2023-10-23)
Bug fixes
Fix upload paramfile handling (for real user setups) by @bernt-matthias in #16504
Make sure job_wrapper uses a consistent metadata strategy by @mvdbeek in #16569
Fix conditional step evaluation with datasets in repeats by @mvdbeek in #16584
Fixes for extra files handling and cached object stores by @mvdbeek in #16595
Lazy load tool data tables in celery worker by @mvdbeek in #16640
Force __DUPLICATE_FILE_TO_COLLECTION__ ‘size’ param to integer by @simonbray in #16659
23.0.5 (2023-07-29)
Bug fixes
Skip installing npm/yarn if available, fix conditional dependency parsing, create virtualenv via conda when conda active by @bernt-matthias in #16403
Fixes for (gitlab) error reporting by @bernt-matthias in #16424
23.0.4 (2023-06-30)
Bug fixes
23.0.3 (2023-06-26)
Bug fixes
Other changes
23.0.2 (2023-06-13)
Bug fixes
23.0.1 (2023-06-08)
Bug fixes
Display DCE in job parameter component, allow rerunning with DCE input by @mvdbeek in #15744
Fix mixed outputs_to_working_directory pulsar destinations by @mvdbeek in #15927
Fix case sensitive filtering by name in histories by @davelopez in #16036
Replace httpbin service with pytest-httpserver by @mvdbeek in #16042
Anonymous User tool link bug fix by @ahmedhamidawan in #16065
Fix job failure handling when condor indicates job failure by @mvdbeek in #16096
Fix dataype_change not updating HDCA update_time by @mvdbeek in #16099
Extract HDA for code_file validate_input hook by @mvdbeek in #16120
Fix sort error when re-running job with DCE collection input by @mvdbeek in #16126
Fix rank calculation for jobs waiting to be run by anonymous users by @jdavcs in #16137
Tool warnings can either be None or a Dictionary but not a String by @guerler in #16183
Other changes
20.9.0 (2020-10-15)
First release from the 20.09 branch of Galaxy.
20.5.0 (2020-07-04)
First release from the 20.05 branch of Galaxy.
Project details
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Built Distribution
Hashes for galaxy_app-24.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 8907d469d117c4828c1fdd19aafed8986c569b59e3fc00ee5ea75ded0f8339dc |
MD5 | a665279da4036b317ecb09734602e03f |
BLAKE2b-256 | 237237370b092b6ea34491efdb854990cba6068b4a3b6eef26947c2ab1274f69 |