10,000+ projects with the selected classifier
An open-source PHI-filtering software
Implementation of the Paillier cryptosystem
Type annotations for boto3.CloudWatchInternetMonitor 1.34.74 service generated with mypy-boto3-builder 7.23.2
A small example package
simple json database lib
IMAP server diagnostics
L2 AWS CDK Constructs for Amazon Verified Permissions
A package for adverse effects on death using VAERS
Jupyter execution of TeX code environments.
For simple browsing of issues, events and special breadcrumbs from sentry.io.
Backtesting framework of the OctoBot Ecosystem
OCR for Engineering Mechanical Drawings
Django app for creating hierarchical URLs associated with django-MPTT models.
Creates JUnit XML test result documents that can be read by tools such as Jenkins
A config framework that you can cue and hint quickly.
Create a crustal thickness map of a planet
Ensemble models creation trough Bayesian Optimization
A small lib for preprocessing text
Extract and read data from National Instruments LabVIEW tdx/tdm files and export them as csv files
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