68 projects with the selected classifier
An easy multimedia transcoder for GNOME
A desktop gmail notifier for Ubuntu OS
.exe file details for your Nautilus file browser
A simple but quite powerful spellchecking library for GTK written in pure Python.
Install Gnome Shell extension from zip files.
A wallpaper generator for gnome (and kde)
ShadowSocks Gtk Client
Bluetooth proximity automation
coala Package Manager
PyXRD is a python implementation of the matrix algorithm developed for the X-ray diffraction analysis of disordered lamellar structures
Python binding for GtkImageView
A _minimalist_ personal command line friendly CI server. Automatically runs your build whenever one of the monitored files of the monitored projects has changed.
GStreamer Graphical Pipeline Editor
Civilized window management
Desktop Entry parser
Using scanner and OCR to grep dead trees the easy way
Switch desktop's windows by typing their titles, name, etc.
An Unity indicator applet that provides the classic GNOME application menu
Wait for a period of time, then display a notification.
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