1,119 projects with the selected classifier
Importaciones con DUA
Romania - Stock Picking Valued Report
Zope fixtures, support for testing Zope environments.
This package adds functionnality to collective.eeafaceted.dashboard but only work for Plone 4.3.x
A configurable pipeline, aimed at transforming content for import and export
Backport of new features in Python's tempfile module
Create, edit and use hierarchical taxonomies in Plone!
efficient arrays of booleans -- C extension
Importación de extractos bancarios españoles (Norma 43)
Romania - Stock
RestAuth server
Empty package that depends on "ephem"
Import OFX Bank Statement
Romania - Stock Accounting Notice
Trigger is a framework and suite of tools for configuring network devices
FODTLMON is a monitoring framework based on distributed first order linear temporal logic.
Backport of Python 3's test.support package
Implement a validation process based on tiers.
Everaldo's Crystal icons (small sizes) bundled for direct consumption from Django applications
Account Payment Order
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