10,000+ projects with the selected classifier
A Secure and Powerful Python-Pyrogram Based Library For Naya-Pyro.
Mongo Filter for ReferenceField - EmbeddedDocumentField
Say hello!
Python tools for working with Wildflower Schools core data
Small async wildberries api-client
A communal live photo slideshow for Google Photos
A text util package
A registry for executing of long running algorithms.
A reader for transferring XPS data from vendor formats to NeXus and NOMAD.
The openIMIS Backend Location reference module.
Runner for the Certora Prover
Keras implementation of AdamW, SGDW, NadamW, Warm Restarts, and Learning Rate multipliers
(Not too) deep clustering
A command line tool for exporting ororo.tv dictionary to lingualeo
A collection of end-to-end data analysis workflows executed using BrainGlobe tools.
email helper for simple send email and receive email of python
Arknights Helper based on ADB and Python
Grep for Unstructured Multiline Paragraphs
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