10,000+ projects with the selected classifier
A command-line tool for Kattis
Downloads plugin for feincms3
App for setting up automated spiders for incidents covered by local news in a certain country.
Python Dependency Injector based on interface binding
Structure, sample, and savor hyperparameter searches
Simple Python Utilities
A Python package for performing collaborative filtering on social and emotion datasets
Python reader/writer for CSV files with YAML header information.
Sentinels for Defaults, Null and for creating sentinels/singletons.
Library for accessing live hockey data to help analysts and hobbyists.
A JupyterLab extension.
Python API & client shell for talking to Meshtastic devices
A set of tools for coarse-graining and back-mapping frameworks.
A multi-segmented human bioheat model for cold and extremely cold exposures.
macromolecular structures (.pdb/.mmCIF) as pandas dataframes
PhageAI is an AI-driven software platform using advanced Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing techniques for deeper understanding of the bacteriophages genomics.
Tools and interface to translate STIX formatted results and queries to different data source formats and to set up appropriate connection strings for invoking and triggering actions in openwhisk
A script to run docker-compose.yml using podman
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