158 projects with the selected classifier
Tools for running face recognition experiments
Bob bindings for tensorflow
UTFVP Fingervein Database Access API for Bob
Source code for EUSIPCO 2018 paper on audio-visual inconsistency detection
Bindings for EM machines and trainers of Bob
Face detection and landmark extraction using MTCNN pretrained model
A TkInter-based keypoint annotation tool for images
Example project using Bob C++ interface
Audio AVspoof Attack Database Access API for BTAS 2016 Speaker Anti-spoofing Competition
Package for BioSIG-2016 paper on Replay-Mobile database.
DRIONS-DB Database Access API for Bob
AR Face Database Access API for Bob
Bob is a free signal-processing and machine learning toolbox originally developed by the Biometrics group at Idiap Research Institute, in Switzerland.
Running the experiments as given in paper: "On the Vulnerability of Palm Vein Recognition to Spoofing Attacks".
Color Conversion Utilities of Bob
Handling of Matlab(R) files via bob.io.base
Bindings for Activation functors
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