10,000+ projects with the selected classifier
A collection of end-to-end data analysis workflows executed using BrainGlobe tools.
Setup tool for bitbake based projects
llama-index tools exa integration
New methods for pandas DataFrame and Series.
Synthetic Deep Learning GPU benchmark
Vision Mamba - Pytorch
Arknights Helper based on ADB and Python
String representations of type annotations.
mmap.ninja: Memory mapped data structures
Retrieves tweets on a required topic and timeframe using the official twitter API, stores them as a .json and .csv file, performs data cleaning, data analysis and plotting.
Some CLI Tools For The Secure Multi-party Genomic Analysis Website
python-based Parameter EStimation TOolbox
MELODIST: MEteoroLOgical observation time series DISaggregation Tool
Progress Updater
SDK for Mail.ru Sendbox rest api
A tiny Python library for creating Python dicts from protocol buffers and the reverse.
Financial utility library
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