60 projects with the selected classifier
ZC Buildout recipe for installing Zope 2.
zc.buildout recipe that creates an repository of business template
zc.buildout recipe that creates a file with list of external libraries for PyCharm of IntelliJ IDEA.
a zc.buildout recipe to know whoami
zc.buildout recipe for compiling and installing source distributions.
Buildout recipes to configure slapd
A zc.buildout recipe for Plone deployments which configures various unix system services.
Add a REST interface to simple SQLAlchemy object
zc.buildout recipe to create apache modwsgi file.
override default config with local files
Templating recipe with remote resource support.
Buildout recipe for creating self signed certificates
WSGI from buildout
Buildout parts that make you smile
Buildout recipe to execute commands via shell or python
Checks pinned versions with overrides in a cascaded buildout
Buildout recipes for django development
Recipe to call CMake to build CellML API and Python bindings
A buildout recipe to manage auto-populating portions of shared configuration files that cannot simply be overwritten.
Use pip from buildout
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