158 projects with the selected classifier
Utilities for bob.db verification databases
Mathematical functions of Bob
Bindings for miscelaneous machines and trainers of Bob
Mahnob HCI-Tagging Database Access API for Bob
Flandmark keypoint localization library
Bob Database interface for the CASIA-SURF database
Vein Recognition Library
Compare a variety of face recognition algorithms by running them on many image databases with default protocols.
Feature extractor using caffe CNNs
Implements tools for spoofing or presentation attack detection in vein biometrics
Wrapper classes to use the PythonFaceEvaluation classes from the CSU Face Recognition Resources
Presentation Attack Detection Using Long Term Spectral Statistics for Trustworthy Speaker Verification
CASME2 Database Access API for Bob
zc.buildout recipes to perform a variety of tasks required by Bob satellite packages
"On the Use of Convolutional Neural Networks for Speech Presentation Attack Detection" published in ISBA 2018
Linear Machine and Trainers for Bob
MNIST Database Access API for Bob
Gabor wavelet analysis tools for Bob
Image-quality feature-extractors for PAD applications
Optical Flow framework based on Horn & Schunck
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