971 projects with the selected classifier
Integrates Keith Wood's jQuery Datepicker for z3c.form on Plone.
Package to subsample World Ocean Atlas climatology.
Small library to add support for cache zones to Django cache
hydrodata is now pygeohydro
Tools for constructing and sending emails
Query generator for Google BigQuery and other SQL environments
Microsoft Azure Client Libraries for Python
pylacoan is now lingcorp
Sobol sequence generator
Slim API wrapper to access close.io CRM.
Deprecated. Replaced by mailchimp-marketing - A CLI client and Python API library for the MailChimp email platform.
This package is deprecated and is no longer functional. Learn how to migrate to the new CLI at https://docs.doppler.com/docs/removal-deprecated-packages-scripts
cx_Oracle_mercyfan is now cx_Oracle-8.3.0
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Redshift
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::AccessAnalyzer
Check PEP-8 naming conventions, plugin for flint
Did you mean to install aws-encryption-sdk-cli?
Bittorrent upload tools for win32
Microsoft Azure Azureadb2c Management Client Library for Python
REST View component for Grok.
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