10,000+ projects with the selected classifier
Light ioc container for you
Security framework for Zope.
CRAMS API opensource crams compute package.
This is a easy logger.
Yubikey Support for the Django Admin.
Provider package apache-airflow-providers-trino for Apache Airflow
RESTful Mock api server
A collection of middleware for openstack nova
awslogs is a simple command line tool to read aws cloudwatch logs.
A plugin for django-cms that provides just a markdown plugin and nothing more.
Генерация интерфейса m3 в виде json-конфигурации ExtJS
Django middleware and view decorator to detect phones and small-screen devices
Github v3 API Python SDK
Core framework for CRM applications
Django Ninja Extra - Class Based Utility and more for Django Ninja(Fast Django REST framework)
Updog is a replacement for Python's SimpleHTTPServer. It allows uploading and downloading via HTTP/S, can set ad hoc SSL certificates and use http basic auth.
Utility app to support AJAX development in Django
Browser request and response offering zero-copy file upload post processing for Zope3
Autoscaling for Clouds.
Morepath REST Demo
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