PyPI statistics
We all love stats, so here are some useful statistics about PyPI. The statistics page is cached for 24 hours, so don't expect the numbers to be realtime.
Top projects by total package size
Here is a list of the top 100 projects based on the sum of their packages' sizes (in bytes).
Project name | Sum of release files (bytes) |
All of PyPI | 20.4 TB |
tf-nightly | 377.6 GB |
tf-nightly-intel | 344.3 GB |
tensorflow | 326.2 GB |
lalsuite | 305.3 GB |
tf-nightly-cpu-aws | 269.1 GB |
tensorflow-gpu | 237.9 GB |
catboost-dev | 237.0 GB |
tensorflow-io-nightly | 205.4 GB |
paddlepaddle-gpu | 190.2 GB |
OpenVisus | 167.1 GB |
frida | 160.9 GB |
torch | 150.0 GB |
tensorflow-cpu | 142.7 GB |
tf-nightly-macos | 139.9 GB |
tensorflow-rocm | 74.8 GB |
ddtrace | 73.4 GB |
cupy-cuda92 | 71.2 GB |
cupy-cuda100 | 70.2 GB |
grpcio | 69.6 GB |
tf-nightly-cpu | 69.3 GB |
cupy-cuda90 | 66.0 GB |
pyAgrum-nightly | 56.9 GB |
ray | 56.4 GB |
catboost | 56.2 GB |
grpcio-tools | 55.5 GB |
cupy-cuda91 | 55.5 GB |
cupy-cuda101 | 55.0 GB |
ovito | 53.0 GB |
scipy | 48.4 GB |
opencv-contrib-python | 46.9 GB |
mindspore-dev | 45.1 GB |
opencv-contrib-python-headless | 42.7 GB |
opencv-python | 42.7 GB |
mindspore | 40.7 GB |
pantsbuild.pants | 38.7 GB |
cmake | 37.6 GB |
deepspeech-gpu | 36.6 GB |
cupy-cuda80 | 36.3 GB |
cupy-cuda102 | 35.5 GB |
numpy | 34.7 GB |
sickrage | 34.2 GB |
udata | 32.7 GB |
Panda3D | 32.2 GB |
pyqt5-tools | 32.2 GB |
opencv-python-headless | 32.0 GB |
codeforlife-portal | 31.9 GB |
tensorflow-intel | 31.7 GB |
pulsar-client-sn | 31.2 GB |
paddlepaddle | 30.8 GB |
tensorflow-io-2.0-preview | 29.3 GB |
tf-gpu | 27.0 GB |
pybullet | 25.4 GB |
casadi | 25.4 GB |
azureml-dataprep-rslex | 25.1 GB |
botocore | 25.0 GB |
cupy-cuda111 | 24.0 GB |
homeassistant | 23.8 GB |
CodeIntel | 23.8 GB |
pyarrow | 23.7 GB |
pygame | 23.6 GB |
taichi | 23.3 GB |
awscrt | 23.1 GB |
matplotlib | 22.8 GB |
rasterio | 21.8 GB |
tendenci | 21.5 GB |
xformers | 21.4 GB |
onnxruntime-gpu | 21.3 GB |
databricks-connect | 21.2 GB |
zeroconf | 21.2 GB |
intel-tensorflow | 21.1 GB |
intel-extension-for-tensorflow-lib | 21.1 GB |
suitesparse-graphblas | 20.9 GB |
apache-flink | 20.9 GB |
polars | 20.9 GB |
itk-core | 20.9 GB |
xpress | 20.8 GB |
jaxlib | 20.7 GB |
aws-cdk-lib | 20.4 GB |
itk-filtering | 20.4 GB |
ray-cpp | 20.3 GB |
PySide2 | 20.2 GB |
apache-beam | 20.2 GB |
cupy-cuda110 | 20.0 GB |
monocdk | 19.9 GB |
nucliadb-node-binding | 19.7 GB |
spacy | 19.5 GB |
tensorflow-cpu-aws | 19.5 GB |
semgrep | 19.4 GB |
home-assistant-frontend | 19.2 GB |
tiledb | 18.9 GB |
chdb | 18.9 GB |
tensorflow-aarch64 | 18.8 GB |
cdktf-cdktf-provider-aws | 18.8 GB |
ruff | 18.6 GB |
ctranslate2 | 18.5 GB |
tensorflow-macos | 18.4 GB |
pandas | 17.9 GB |
aim | 17.6 GB |
open3d | 17.5 GB |
kolibri | 17.5 GB |