97 projects with the selected classifier
PlanB automates remote SSH+rsync backups
A Django app that takes all of the work out of making a beautiful and functional web application pretty darn quickly (PDQ) using the AdminLTE2 theme.
It generates dynamically a directory path and a file name for Django FileField
Django Rest Framework proxy API
Basic feature component
Django migrations without unnecesary change alert triggers.
A Django app for User Authentication.
Django implementation of the IVOA UWS pattern.
MkDocs served by Django for permissioned access
Django staticfiles extension to download third-party static files
Integrated Django Vector Tile Server based on mbtiles
A Django app with models and serializers for RU bank requisites.
Add Schema.org JSON-LD to your website
Quick tools for Django
Review workflow for Wagtail
A set of helpers for baking your Django site out as flat files
A Django app for managing CAS and custom user authentication.
Social Networks settings for wagtail sites.
ASTRON Django Authentication app
A Triggers system for Django made for implementing event-based business logic configurable through the Django admin site.
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