Each project's maintainers provide PyPI with a list of "Trove classifiers" to categorize each release, describing who it's for, what systems it can run on, and how mature it is.
These standardized classifiers can then be used by community members to find projects based on their desired criteria.
Instructions for how to add Trove classifiers to a project can be found on the Python Packaging User Guide. To read the original classifier specification, refer to PEP 301.
To prevent a package from being uploaded to PyPI, use the special "Private :: Do Not Upload" classifier. PyPI will always reject packages with classifiers beginning with "Private ::".
List of classifiers
- Development Status :: 1 - Planning
- Development Status :: 2 - Pre-Alpha
- Development Status :: 3 - Alpha
- Development Status :: 4 - Beta
- Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
- Development Status :: 6 - Mature
- Development Status :: 7 - Inactive
- Environment :: Console
- Environment :: Console :: Curses
- Environment :: Console :: Framebuffer
- Environment :: Console :: Newt
- Environment :: Console :: svgalib
- Environment :: GPU
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 1.0
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 1.1
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 2.0
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 2.1
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 2.2
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 2.3
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 3.0
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 3.1
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 3.2
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 4.0
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 4.1
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 4.2
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 5.0
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 5.5
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 6.0
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 6.5
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 7.0
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 7.5
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 8.0
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 9.0
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 9.1
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 9.2
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 10.0
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 10.1
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 10.2
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 11
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 11.0
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 11.1
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 11.2
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 11.3
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 11.4
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 11.5
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 11.6
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 11.7
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 11.8
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 12
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 12 :: 12.0
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 12 :: 12.1
- Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 12 :: 12.2
- Environment :: Handhelds/PDA's
- Environment :: MacOS X
- Environment :: MacOS X :: Aqua
- Environment :: MacOS X :: Carbon
- Environment :: MacOS X :: Cocoa
- Environment :: No Input/Output (Daemon)
- Environment :: OpenStack
- Environment :: Other Environment
- Environment :: Plugins
- Environment :: Web Environment
- Environment :: Web Environment :: Buffet
- Environment :: Web Environment :: Mozilla
- Environment :: Web Environment :: ToscaWidgets
- Environment :: WebAssembly
- Environment :: WebAssembly :: Emscripten
- Environment :: WebAssembly :: WASI
- Environment :: Win32 (MS Windows)
- Environment :: X11 Applications
- Environment :: X11 Applications :: GTK
- Environment :: X11 Applications :: Gnome
- Environment :: X11 Applications :: KDE
- Environment :: X11 Applications :: Qt
- Framework :: AWS CDK
- Framework :: AWS CDK :: 1
- Framework :: AWS CDK :: 2
- Framework :: AiiDA
- Framework :: Ansible
- Framework :: AnyIO
- Framework :: Apache Airflow
- Framework :: Apache Airflow :: Provider
- Framework :: AsyncIO
- Framework :: BEAT
- Framework :: BFG
- Framework :: Bob
- Framework :: Bottle
- Framework :: Buildout
- Framework :: Buildout :: Extension
- Framework :: Buildout :: Recipe
- Framework :: CastleCMS
- Framework :: CastleCMS :: Theme
- Framework :: Celery
- Framework :: Chandler
- Framework :: CherryPy
- Framework :: CubicWeb
- Framework :: Dash
- Framework :: Datasette
- Framework :: Django
- Framework :: Django :: 1
- Framework :: Django :: 1.4
- Framework :: Django :: 1.5
- Framework :: Django :: 1.6
- Framework :: Django :: 1.7
- Framework :: Django :: 1.8
- Framework :: Django :: 1.9
- Framework :: Django :: 1.10
- Framework :: Django :: 1.11
- Framework :: Django :: 2
- Framework :: Django :: 2.0
- Framework :: Django :: 2.1
- Framework :: Django :: 2.2
- Framework :: Django :: 3
- Framework :: Django :: 3.0
- Framework :: Django :: 3.1
- Framework :: Django :: 3.2
- Framework :: Django :: 4
- Framework :: Django :: 4.0
- Framework :: Django :: 4.1
- Framework :: Django :: 4.2
- Framework :: Django :: 5.0
- Framework :: Django CMS
- Framework :: Django CMS :: 3.4
- Framework :: Django CMS :: 3.5
- Framework :: Django CMS :: 3.6
- Framework :: Django CMS :: 3.7
- Framework :: Django CMS :: 3.8
- Framework :: Django CMS :: 3.9
- Framework :: Django CMS :: 3.10
- Framework :: Django CMS :: 3.11
- Framework :: Django CMS :: 4.0
- Framework :: Django CMS :: 4.1
- Framework :: FastAPI
- Framework :: Flake8
- Framework :: Flask
- Framework :: Hatch
- Framework :: Hypothesis
- Framework :: IDLE
- Framework :: IPython
- Framework :: Jupyter
- Framework :: Jupyter :: JupyterLab
- Framework :: Jupyter :: JupyterLab :: 1
- Framework :: Jupyter :: JupyterLab :: 2
- Framework :: Jupyter :: JupyterLab :: 3
- Framework :: Jupyter :: JupyterLab :: 4
- Framework :: Jupyter :: JupyterLab :: Extensions
- Framework :: Jupyter :: JupyterLab :: Extensions :: Mime Renderers
- Framework :: Jupyter :: JupyterLab :: Extensions :: Prebuilt
- Framework :: Jupyter :: JupyterLab :: Extensions :: Themes
- Framework :: Kedro
- Framework :: Lektor
- Framework :: Masonite
- Framework :: Matplotlib
- Framework :: MkDocs
- Framework :: Nengo
- Framework :: Odoo
- Framework :: Odoo :: 8.0
- Framework :: Odoo :: 9.0
- Framework :: Odoo :: 10.0
- Framework :: Odoo :: 11.0
- Framework :: Odoo :: 12.0
- Framework :: Odoo :: 13.0
- Framework :: Odoo :: 14.0
- Framework :: Odoo :: 15.0
- Framework :: Odoo :: 16.0
- Framework :: Odoo :: 17.0
- Framework :: OpenTelemetry
- Framework :: OpenTelemetry :: Distros
- Framework :: OpenTelemetry :: Exporters
- Framework :: OpenTelemetry :: Instrumentations
- Framework :: Opps
- Framework :: Paste
- Framework :: Pelican
- Framework :: Pelican :: Plugins
- Framework :: Pelican :: Themes
- Framework :: Plone
- Framework :: Plone :: 3.2
- Framework :: Plone :: 3.3
- Framework :: Plone :: 4.0
- Framework :: Plone :: 4.1
- Framework :: Plone :: 4.2
- Framework :: Plone :: 4.3
- Framework :: Plone :: 5.0
- Framework :: Plone :: 5.1
- Framework :: Plone :: 5.2
- Framework :: Plone :: 5.3
- Framework :: Plone :: 6.0
- Framework :: Plone :: 6.1
- Framework :: Plone :: Addon
- Framework :: Plone :: Core
- Framework :: Plone :: Distribution
- Framework :: Plone :: Theme
- Framework :: PySimpleGUI
- Framework :: PySimpleGUI :: 4
- Framework :: PySimpleGUI :: 5
- Framework :: Pycsou
- Framework :: Pydantic
- Framework :: Pydantic :: 1
- Framework :: Pydantic :: 2
- Framework :: Pylons
- Framework :: Pyramid
- Framework :: Pytest
- Framework :: Review Board
- Framework :: Robot Framework
- Framework :: Robot Framework :: Library
- Framework :: Robot Framework :: Tool
- Framework :: Scrapy
- Framework :: Setuptools Plugin
- Framework :: Sphinx
- Framework :: Sphinx :: Domain
- Framework :: Sphinx :: Extension
- Framework :: Sphinx :: Theme
- Framework :: Trac
- Framework :: Trio
- Framework :: Tryton
- Framework :: TurboGears
- Framework :: TurboGears :: Applications
- Framework :: TurboGears :: Widgets
- Framework :: Twisted
- Framework :: Wagtail
- Framework :: Wagtail :: 1
- Framework :: Wagtail :: 2
- Framework :: Wagtail :: 3
- Framework :: Wagtail :: 4
- Framework :: Wagtail :: 5
- Framework :: Wagtail :: 6
- Framework :: ZODB
- Framework :: Zope
- Framework :: Zope2
- Framework :: Zope3
- Framework :: Zope :: 2
- Framework :: Zope :: 3
- Framework :: Zope :: 4
- Framework :: Zope :: 5
- Framework :: aiohttp
- Framework :: cocotb
- Framework :: napari
- Framework :: tox
- Intended Audience :: Customer Service
- Intended Audience :: Developers
- Intended Audience :: Education
- Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop
- Intended Audience :: Financial and Insurance Industry
- Intended Audience :: Healthcare Industry
- Intended Audience :: Information Technology
- Intended Audience :: Legal Industry
- Intended Audience :: Manufacturing
- Intended Audience :: Other Audience
- Intended Audience :: Religion
- Intended Audience :: Science/Research
- Intended Audience :: System Administrators
- Intended Audience :: Telecommunications Industry
- License :: Aladdin Free Public License (AFPL)
- License :: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication
- License :: CeCILL-B Free Software License Agreement (CECILL-B)
- License :: CeCILL-C Free Software License Agreement (CECILL-C)
- License :: DFSG approved
- License :: Eiffel Forum License (EFL)
- License :: Free For Educational Use
- License :: Free For Home Use
- License :: Free To Use But Restricted
- License :: Free for non-commercial use
- License :: Freely Distributable
- License :: Freeware
- License :: GUST Font License 1.0
- License :: GUST Font License 2006-09-30
- License :: Netscape Public License (NPL)
- License :: Nokia Open Source License (NOKOS)
- License :: OSI Approved
- License :: OSI Approved :: Academic Free License (AFL)
- License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License
- License :: OSI Approved :: Apple Public Source License
- License :: OSI Approved :: Artistic License
- License :: OSI Approved :: Attribution Assurance License
- License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
- License :: OSI Approved :: Boost Software License 1.0 (BSL-1.0)
- License :: OSI Approved :: CEA CNRS Inria Logiciel Libre License, version 2.1 (CeCILL-2.1)
- License :: OSI Approved :: Common Development and Distribution License 1.0 (CDDL-1.0)
- License :: OSI Approved :: Common Public License
- License :: OSI Approved :: Eclipse Public License 1.0 (EPL-1.0)
- License :: OSI Approved :: Eclipse Public License 2.0 (EPL-2.0)
- License :: OSI Approved :: Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (ECL-2.0)
- License :: OSI Approved :: Eiffel Forum License
- License :: OSI Approved :: European Union Public Licence 1.0 (EUPL 1.0)
- License :: OSI Approved :: European Union Public Licence 1.1 (EUPL 1.1)
- License :: OSI Approved :: European Union Public Licence 1.2 (EUPL 1.2)
- License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Affero General Public License v3
- License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later (AGPLv3+)
- License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Free Documentation License (FDL)
- License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
- License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v2 (GPLv2)
- License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v2 or later (GPLv2+)
- License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)
- License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)
- License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 (LGPLv2)
- License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
- License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPLv3)
- License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v3 or later (LGPLv3+)
- License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
- License :: OSI Approved :: Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer (HPND)
- License :: OSI Approved :: IBM Public License
- License :: OSI Approved :: ISC License (ISCL)
- License :: OSI Approved :: Intel Open Source License
- License :: OSI Approved :: Jabber Open Source License
- License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
- License :: OSI Approved :: MIT No Attribution License (MIT-0)
- License :: OSI Approved :: MITRE Collaborative Virtual Workspace License (CVW)
- License :: OSI Approved :: MirOS License (MirOS)
- License :: OSI Approved :: Motosoto License
- License :: OSI Approved :: Mozilla Public License 1.0 (MPL)
- License :: OSI Approved :: Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1)
- License :: OSI Approved :: Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0)
- License :: OSI Approved :: Mulan Permissive Software License v2 (MulanPSL-2.0)
- License :: OSI Approved :: NASA Open Source Agreement v1.3 (NASA-1.3)
- License :: OSI Approved :: Nethack General Public License
- License :: OSI Approved :: Nokia Open Source License
- License :: OSI Approved :: Open Group Test Suite License
- License :: OSI Approved :: Open Software License 3.0 (OSL-3.0)
- License :: OSI Approved :: PostgreSQL License
- License :: OSI Approved :: Python License (CNRI Python License)
- License :: OSI Approved :: Python Software Foundation License
- License :: OSI Approved :: Qt Public License (QPL)
- License :: OSI Approved :: Ricoh Source Code Public License
- License :: OSI Approved :: SIL Open Font License 1.1 (OFL-1.1)
- License :: OSI Approved :: Sleepycat License
- License :: OSI Approved :: Sun Industry Standards Source License (SISSL)
- License :: OSI Approved :: Sun Public License
- License :: OSI Approved :: The Unlicense (Unlicense)
- License :: OSI Approved :: Universal Permissive License (UPL)
- License :: OSI Approved :: University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License
- License :: OSI Approved :: Vovida Software License 1.0
- License :: OSI Approved :: W3C License
- License :: OSI Approved :: X.Net License
- License :: OSI Approved :: Zero-Clause BSD (0BSD)
- License :: OSI Approved :: Zope Public License
- License :: OSI Approved :: zlib/libpng License
- License :: Other/Proprietary License
- License :: Public Domain
- License :: Repoze Public License
- Natural Language :: Afrikaans
- Natural Language :: Arabic
- Natural Language :: Basque
- Natural Language :: Bengali
- Natural Language :: Bosnian
- Natural Language :: Bulgarian
- Natural Language :: Cantonese
- Natural Language :: Catalan
- Natural Language :: Chinese (Simplified)
- Natural Language :: Chinese (Traditional)
- Natural Language :: Croatian
- Natural Language :: Czech
- Natural Language :: Danish
- Natural Language :: Dutch
- Natural Language :: English
- Natural Language :: Esperanto
- Natural Language :: Finnish
- Natural Language :: French
- Natural Language :: Galician
- Natural Language :: German
- Natural Language :: Greek
- Natural Language :: Hebrew
- Natural Language :: Hindi
- Natural Language :: Hungarian
- Natural Language :: Icelandic
- Natural Language :: Indonesian
- Natural Language :: Irish
- Natural Language :: Italian
- Natural Language :: Japanese
- Natural Language :: Javanese
- Natural Language :: Korean
- Natural Language :: Latin
- Natural Language :: Latvian
- Natural Language :: Lithuanian
- Natural Language :: Macedonian
- Natural Language :: Malay
- Natural Language :: Marathi
- Natural Language :: Nepali
- Natural Language :: Norwegian
- Natural Language :: Panjabi
- Natural Language :: Persian
- Natural Language :: Polish
- Natural Language :: Portuguese
- Natural Language :: Portuguese (Brazilian)
- Natural Language :: Romanian
- Natural Language :: Russian
- Natural Language :: Serbian
- Natural Language :: Slovak
- Natural Language :: Slovenian
- Natural Language :: Spanish
- Natural Language :: Swedish
- Natural Language :: Tamil
- Natural Language :: Telugu
- Natural Language :: Thai
- Natural Language :: Tibetan
- Natural Language :: Turkish
- Natural Language :: Ukrainian
- Natural Language :: Urdu
- Natural Language :: Vietnamese
- Operating System :: Android
- Operating System :: BeOS
- Operating System :: MacOS
- Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS 9
- Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X
- Operating System :: Microsoft
- Operating System :: Microsoft :: MS-DOS
- Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows
- Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 3.1 or Earlier
- Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 7
- Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 8
- Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 8.1
- Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 10
- Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 11
- Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 95/98/2000
- Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows CE
- Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000
- Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows Server 2003
- Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows Server 2008
- Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows Vista
- Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows XP
- Operating System :: OS Independent
- Operating System :: OS/2
- Operating System :: Other OS
- Operating System :: PDA Systems
- Operating System :: POSIX
- Operating System :: POSIX :: AIX
- Operating System :: POSIX :: BSD
- Operating System :: POSIX :: BSD :: BSD/OS
- Operating System :: POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD
- Operating System :: POSIX :: BSD :: NetBSD
- Operating System :: POSIX :: BSD :: OpenBSD
- Operating System :: POSIX :: GNU Hurd
- Operating System :: POSIX :: HP-UX
- Operating System :: POSIX :: IRIX
- Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux
- Operating System :: POSIX :: Other
- Operating System :: POSIX :: SCO
- Operating System :: POSIX :: SunOS/Solaris
- Operating System :: PalmOS
- Operating System :: RISC OS
- Operating System :: Unix
- Operating System :: iOS
- Programming Language :: APL
- Programming Language :: ASP
- Programming Language :: Ada
- Programming Language :: Assembly
- Programming Language :: Awk
- Programming Language :: Basic
- Programming Language :: C
- Programming Language :: C#
- Programming Language :: C++
- Programming Language :: Cold Fusion
- Programming Language :: Cython
- Programming Language :: D
- Programming Language :: Delphi/Kylix
- Programming Language :: Dylan
- Programming Language :: Eiffel
- Programming Language :: Emacs-Lisp
- Programming Language :: Erlang
- Programming Language :: Euler
- Programming Language :: Euphoria
- Programming Language :: F#
- Programming Language :: Forth
- Programming Language :: Fortran
- Programming Language :: Go
- Programming Language :: Haskell
- Programming Language :: Hy
- Programming Language :: Java
- Programming Language :: JavaScript
- Programming Language :: Kotlin
- Programming Language :: Lisp
- Programming Language :: Logo
- Programming Language :: Lua
- Programming Language :: ML
- Programming Language :: Modula
- Programming Language :: OCaml
- Programming Language :: Object Pascal
- Programming Language :: Objective C
- Programming Language :: Other
- Programming Language :: Other Scripting Engines
- Programming Language :: PHP
- Programming Language :: PL/SQL
- Programming Language :: PROGRESS
- Programming Language :: Pascal
- Programming Language :: Perl
- Programming Language :: Pike
- Programming Language :: Pliant
- Programming Language :: Prolog
- Programming Language :: Python
- Programming Language :: Python :: 2
- Programming Language :: Python :: 2 :: Only
- Programming Language :: Python :: 2.3
- Programming Language :: Python :: 2.4
- Programming Language :: Python :: 2.5
- Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
- Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.0
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.1
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.2
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.13
- Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation
- Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
- Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: IronPython
- Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: Jython
- Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: MicroPython
- Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy
- Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: Stackless
- Programming Language :: R
- Programming Language :: REBOL
- Programming Language :: Rexx
- Programming Language :: Ruby
- Programming Language :: Rust
- Programming Language :: SQL
- Programming Language :: Scheme
- Programming Language :: Simula
- Programming Language :: Smalltalk
- Programming Language :: Tcl
- Programming Language :: Unix Shell
- Programming Language :: Visual Basic
- Programming Language :: XBasic
- Programming Language :: YACC
- Programming Language :: Zope
- Topic :: Adaptive Technologies
- Topic :: Artistic Software
- Topic :: Communications
- Topic :: Communications :: BBS
- Topic :: Communications :: Chat
- Topic :: Communications :: Chat :: ICQ
- Topic :: Communications :: Chat :: Internet Relay Chat
- Topic :: Communications :: Chat :: Unix Talk
- Topic :: Communications :: Conferencing
- Topic :: Communications :: Email
- Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Address Book
- Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Email Clients (MUA)
- Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Filters
- Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Mail Transport Agents
- Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Mailing List Servers
- Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Post-Office
- Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Post-Office :: IMAP
- Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Post-Office :: POP3
- Topic :: Communications :: FIDO
- Topic :: Communications :: Fax
- Topic :: Communications :: File Sharing
- Topic :: Communications :: File Sharing :: Gnutella
- Topic :: Communications :: File Sharing :: Napster
- Topic :: Communications :: Ham Radio
- Topic :: Communications :: Internet Phone
- Topic :: Communications :: Telephony
- Topic :: Communications :: Usenet News
- Topic :: Database
- Topic :: Database :: Database Engines/Servers
- Topic :: Database :: Front-Ends
- Topic :: Desktop Environment
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: File Managers
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: GNUstep
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Gnome
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: K Desktop Environment (KDE)
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: K Desktop Environment (KDE) :: Themes
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: PicoGUI
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: PicoGUI :: Applications
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: PicoGUI :: Themes
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Screen Savers
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Afterstep
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Afterstep :: Themes
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Applets
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Blackbox
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Blackbox :: Themes
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: CTWM
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: CTWM :: Themes
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Enlightenment
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Enlightenment :: Epplets
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Enlightenment :: Themes DR15
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Enlightenment :: Themes DR16
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Enlightenment :: Themes DR17
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: FVWM
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: FVWM :: Themes
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Fluxbox
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Fluxbox :: Themes
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: IceWM
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: IceWM :: Themes
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: MetaCity
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: MetaCity :: Themes
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Oroborus
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Oroborus :: Themes
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Sawfish
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Sawfish :: Themes 0.30
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Sawfish :: Themes pre-0.30
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Waimea
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Waimea :: Themes
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Window Maker
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Window Maker :: Applets
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Window Maker :: Themes
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: XFCE
- Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: XFCE :: Themes
- Topic :: Documentation
- Topic :: Documentation :: Sphinx
- Topic :: Education
- Topic :: Education :: Computer Aided Instruction (CAI)
- Topic :: Education :: Testing
- Topic :: File Formats
- Topic :: File Formats :: JSON
- Topic :: File Formats :: JSON :: JSON Schema
- Topic :: Games/Entertainment
- Topic :: Games/Entertainment :: Arcade
- Topic :: Games/Entertainment :: Board Games
- Topic :: Games/Entertainment :: First Person Shooters
- Topic :: Games/Entertainment :: Fortune Cookies
- Topic :: Games/Entertainment :: Multi-User Dungeons (MUD)
- Topic :: Games/Entertainment :: Puzzle Games
- Topic :: Games/Entertainment :: Real Time Strategy
- Topic :: Games/Entertainment :: Role-Playing
- Topic :: Games/Entertainment :: Side-Scrolling/Arcade Games
- Topic :: Games/Entertainment :: Simulation
- Topic :: Games/Entertainment :: Turn Based Strategy
- Topic :: Home Automation
- Topic :: Internet
- Topic :: Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
- Topic :: Internet :: Finger
- Topic :: Internet :: Log Analysis
- Topic :: Internet :: Name Service (DNS)
- Topic :: Internet :: Proxy Servers
- Topic :: Internet :: WAP
- Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP
- Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Browsers
- Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content
- Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries
- Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Content Management System
- Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Message Boards
- Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: News/Diary
- Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Page Counters
- Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Wiki
- Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers
- Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search
- Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Session
- Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management
- Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management :: Link Checking
- Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI
- Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application
- Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware
- Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server
- Topic :: Internet :: XMPP
- Topic :: Internet :: Z39.50
- Topic :: Multimedia
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Modeling
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Rendering
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Digital Camera
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Scanners
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Screen Capture
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Editors
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Editors :: Raster-Based
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Editors :: Vector-Based
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Presentation
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Analysis
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: CD Audio
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: CD Audio :: CD Playing
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: CD Audio :: CD Ripping
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: CD Audio :: CD Writing
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Capture/Recording
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Conversion
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Editors
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: MIDI
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Mixers
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Players
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Players :: MP3
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Sound Synthesis
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Speech
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Video
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Video :: Capture
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Video :: Conversion
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Video :: Display
- Topic :: Multimedia :: Video :: Non-Linear Editor
- Topic :: Office/Business
- Topic :: Office/Business :: Financial
- Topic :: Office/Business :: Financial :: Accounting
- Topic :: Office/Business :: Financial :: Investment
- Topic :: Office/Business :: Financial :: Point-Of-Sale
- Topic :: Office/Business :: Financial :: Spreadsheet
- Topic :: Office/Business :: Groupware
- Topic :: Office/Business :: News/Diary
- Topic :: Office/Business :: Office Suites
- Topic :: Office/Business :: Scheduling
- Topic :: Other/Nonlisted Topic
- Topic :: Printing
- Topic :: Religion
- Topic :: Scientific/Engineering
- Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence
- Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Life
- Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Astronomy
- Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Atmospheric Science
- Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics
- Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Chemistry
- Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Electronic Design Automation (EDA)
- Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: GIS
- Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Human Machine Interfaces
- Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Hydrology
- Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Image Processing
- Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition
- Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis
- Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Interface Engine/Protocol Translator
- Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics
- Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps.
- Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Oceanography
- Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Physics
- Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization
- Topic :: Security
- Topic :: Security :: Cryptography
- Topic :: Sociology
- Topic :: Sociology :: Genealogy
- Topic :: Sociology :: History
- Topic :: Software Development
- Topic :: Software Development :: Assemblers
- Topic :: Software Development :: Bug Tracking
- Topic :: Software Development :: Build Tools
- Topic :: Software Development :: Code Generators
- Topic :: Software Development :: Compilers
- Topic :: Software Development :: Debuggers
- Topic :: Software Development :: Disassemblers
- Topic :: Software Development :: Documentation
- Topic :: Software Development :: Embedded Systems
- Topic :: Software Development :: Embedded Systems :: Controller Area Network (CAN)
- Topic :: Software Development :: Embedded Systems :: Controller Area Network (CAN) :: CANopen
- Topic :: Software Development :: Embedded Systems :: Controller Area Network (CAN) :: J1939
- Topic :: Software Development :: Internationalization
- Topic :: Software Development :: Interpreters
- Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries
- Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks
- Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries
- Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: PHP Classes
- Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Perl Modules
- Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Pike Modules
- Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
- Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Ruby Modules
- Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Tcl Extensions
- Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: pygame
- Topic :: Software Development :: Localization
- Topic :: Software Development :: Object Brokering
- Topic :: Software Development :: Object Brokering :: CORBA
- Topic :: Software Development :: Pre-processors
- Topic :: Software Development :: Quality Assurance
- Topic :: Software Development :: Testing
- Topic :: Software Development :: Testing :: Acceptance
- Topic :: Software Development :: Testing :: BDD
- Topic :: Software Development :: Testing :: Mocking
- Topic :: Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation
- Topic :: Software Development :: Testing :: Unit
- Topic :: Software Development :: User Interfaces
- Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control
- Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control :: Bazaar
- Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control :: CVS
- Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control :: Git
- Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control :: Mercurial
- Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control :: RCS
- Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control :: SCCS
- Topic :: Software Development :: Widget Sets
- Topic :: System
- Topic :: System :: Archiving
- Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Backup
- Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Compression
- Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Mirroring
- Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Packaging
- Topic :: System :: Benchmark
- Topic :: System :: Boot
- Topic :: System :: Boot :: Init
- Topic :: System :: Clustering
- Topic :: System :: Console Fonts
- Topic :: System :: Distributed Computing
- Topic :: System :: Emulators
- Topic :: System :: Filesystems
- Topic :: System :: Hardware
- Topic :: System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers
- Topic :: System :: Hardware :: Mainframes
- Topic :: System :: Hardware :: Symmetric Multi-processing
- Topic :: System :: Hardware :: Universal Serial Bus (USB)
- Topic :: System :: Hardware :: Universal Serial Bus (USB) :: Audio
- Topic :: System :: Hardware :: Universal Serial Bus (USB) :: Audio/Video (AV)
- Topic :: System :: Hardware :: Universal Serial Bus (USB) :: Communications Device Class (CDC)
- Topic :: System :: Hardware :: Universal Serial Bus (USB) :: Diagnostic Device
- Topic :: System :: Hardware :: Universal Serial Bus (USB) :: Hub
- Topic :: System :: Hardware :: Universal Serial Bus (USB) :: Human Interface Device (HID)
- Topic :: System :: Hardware :: Universal Serial Bus (USB) :: Mass Storage
- Topic :: System :: Hardware :: Universal Serial Bus (USB) :: Miscellaneous
- Topic :: System :: Hardware :: Universal Serial Bus (USB) :: Printer
- Topic :: System :: Hardware :: Universal Serial Bus (USB) :: Smart Card
- Topic :: System :: Hardware :: Universal Serial Bus (USB) :: Vendor
- Topic :: System :: Hardware :: Universal Serial Bus (USB) :: Video (UVC)
- Topic :: System :: Hardware :: Universal Serial Bus (USB) :: Wireless Controller
- Topic :: System :: Installation/Setup
- Topic :: System :: Logging
- Topic :: System :: Monitoring
- Topic :: System :: Networking
- Topic :: System :: Networking :: Firewalls
- Topic :: System :: Networking :: Monitoring
- Topic :: System :: Networking :: Monitoring :: Hardware Watchdog
- Topic :: System :: Networking :: Time Synchronization
- Topic :: System :: Operating System
- Topic :: System :: Operating System Kernels
- Topic :: System :: Operating System Kernels :: BSD
- Topic :: System :: Operating System Kernels :: GNU Hurd
- Topic :: System :: Operating System Kernels :: Linux
- Topic :: System :: Power (UPS)
- Topic :: System :: Recovery Tools
- Topic :: System :: Shells
- Topic :: System :: Software Distribution
- Topic :: System :: System Shells
- Topic :: System :: Systems Administration
- Topic :: System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory
- Topic :: System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory :: LDAP
- Topic :: System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory :: NIS
- Topic :: Terminals
- Topic :: Terminals :: Serial
- Topic :: Terminals :: Telnet
- Topic :: Terminals :: Terminal Emulators/X Terminals
- Topic :: Text Editors
- Topic :: Text Editors :: Documentation
- Topic :: Text Editors :: Emacs
- Topic :: Text Editors :: Integrated Development Environments (IDE)
- Topic :: Text Editors :: Text Processing
- Topic :: Text Editors :: Word Processors
- Topic :: Text Processing
- Topic :: Text Processing :: Filters
- Topic :: Text Processing :: Fonts
- Topic :: Text Processing :: General
- Topic :: Text Processing :: Indexing
- Topic :: Text Processing :: Linguistic
- Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup
- Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML
- Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: LaTeX
- Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: Markdown
- Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: SGML
- Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: VRML
- Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: XML
- Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: reStructuredText
- Topic :: Utilities
- Typing :: Stubs Only
- Typing :: Typed