424 projects with the selected classifier
Realtime anomalies detection based on statsd, for periodic time series.
Unifield loader
nostalgia enables to self-track and gain insights into your life
IoddCom IO-Link master checker Gui
Command-line DNS Zone validation tool
Yoctopuce python API v2.0
Automated Transparent Genetic Feature Engineering or ATgfe
FloraExpress API python client library. www.floraexpress.ru
Racker is an experimental harness tool for provisioning and launching operating system containers
This package has been migrated into mateco
initial release
Clever, simple, and intuitive wrapper functionalities for OCRing specific textual materials
A super simple cli tool to update dns records
Tryton module to add a cashbook.
ALFACoins API library
One database API to use them all
Tryton module to add reports to cashbook.
Utility Package that organizes and moves the specific file types to its type Specific Directories
AutoML for Image, Text, and Tabular Data
Automagically read/wrte csv.
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