33 projects with the selected classifier
A Python library for the Zish format using ANTLR.
Number to text - Inflector for Ukrainian numerals
A set of tools for working with DeepRacer training
An Video Editing Library Similar to Moviepy.
Utilities for Buildout developed for Up There They Love.
A helper library to connect into Amazon SageMaker with AWS Systems Manager and SSH (Secure Shell)
Retrieve article records from NCBI via E-utilities
A Python library for the Zish format.
Powertools for AWS Lambda (Python) is a developer toolkit to implement Serverless best practices and increase developer velocity.
A Python package for understanding the evolution of soil moisture and soil moisture anomalies
A Django database backend for pg8000
Pure-Python Reed Solomon encoder/decoder
Discover and present SCPs applicable to each account in an AWS Organization
Unofficial Python API Wrapper for Liberty.MP RageMP Server
A tool to classify articles containing biological pathway information
Generate a valid Fedora specfile from Python package from PyPI
An implementation of the SCRAM protocol.
A simple comand line tool to create game datasets for analytics and machine learning use cases
Experimental library for showing notifications in DCC applications
Python dynamic default arguments.
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