497 projects with the selected classifier
WSGI Middleware for embedding a rich profiler in web pages.
Support test automation for setuptools / distutils.
An object-oriented python debugger for nonlinear tracing
Pluggable application, which puts a python stack trace in the SQL query as a comment (useful for debugging)
The single instruction language - Flip a bit, then Jump
Run pylint recursively on all py files in current and sub-directories
Send yourself real time alerts and update messages about your projects on any platform
Post-mortem debugging for Python programs
a remote PyOCd debug probe plugin using gRPC
Collaboratively debug your Python application in Slack
Easy to use graphical ARM simulator
Example gdbundle plugin
Custom timer for your Python coding pleasure
TUI for DBG.
pytest-ipdb installable from pip. Using this until https://github.com/mverteuil/pytest-ipdb/issues/9 is resolved.
Python IDE for beginners
Geomancy validates deployment and development environments
HelpDev - Extracts information about the Python environment easily.
The project versioning controller
STDF to Pandas convertor
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