274 projects with the selected classifier
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::SageMaker
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::ElasticBeanstalk
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::MediaStore
AWS CDK Construct that creates an Amazon API Gateway HttpApi based on a parameterized OpenAPI 3 Document.
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::AutoScaling
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::WAFRegional
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::IoTSiteWise
An AWS Lambda layer that contains the `kubectl` and `helm`
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::IoT1Click
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::LicenseManager
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::DLM
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::CloudWatch
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::LookoutMetrics
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::CertificateManager
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Redshift
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::AccessAnalyzer
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Route53Resolver
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Neptune
AWS::InspectorV2 Construct Library
The CDK Construct Library for AWS Lambda in Golang
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