60 projects with the selected classifier
Use pip from buildout
Buildout recipe for creating Nix expressions from eggs list
ZC Buildout recipe for installing Zope 2.
a zc.buildout recipe to know whoami
Minifies and bundles JS and CSS files included with bowerstatic.
Makes it easier to configure multiple Zope instances.
Buildout recipes for postdeploy.
Test dependencies on Debian package versions
A Sublime Text 2 / SublimeCodeIntel auto-completion data generator for buildout
A buildout recipe to install and configure Odoo
A collection of zc.buildout recipes for Bob packages
Collect the puppet facter facts
SlapOS recipes.
This recipe logs an information into storage. It's a part of https://github.com/potar/dagger
This recipe is backup for Plone data and send to Amazon S3
A buildout recipe to install and configure OpenERP
Buildout recipe for installing celery for use with Zope's ZCA and configuring it using an ini file.
A zc.buildout recipe to install a Solr server
Buildout recipe that calculates the python-check-interval value for your zope instance
Call a command when a directory or file has changed. (Mac OS only)
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