15 projects with the selected classifier
Generate Oracle functions from PL/SQL embedded in XML.
Utilities for working with cx_Oracle
Python SRS (Sender Rewriting Scheme) library
Python DNS library
Serve the output of Oracle functions/procedures with CherryPy
A daemon that makes a Leica semiconductor inspection microscope remotely controllable using an HTTP/HTML-based interface.
Adds support for the Imagenation PXC-200 frame grabber to the Python Imaging Library
The Python interface to the Flickr API
A backport of the newest Python 2.x email module to >= Python 2.3
Python 3 DNS library
eGenix Web Installer Test Package
Python code coverage
eGenix pyOpenSSL Distribution for Python
eGenix mx Base Distribution for Python - mxDateTime, mxTextTools, mxProxy, mxTools, mxBeeBase, mxStack, mxQueue, mxURL, mxUID
Converting Python objects to XML and back again.
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