3,064 projects with the selected classifier
Certbot plugin for authentication using value-domain
Tryton module to add LDAP connection
Tryton module for commission waiting
Tryton module for anglo-saxon real-time stock valuation
Purchase Analytic Plans
Stripe Payment Gateway Module for Tryton
jQuery Option Tree widget for deform
External authenticator for Certbot
Enables Trac to be used for managing your ticket backlog.
GNU Health Injury Surveillance System package
ispconfig DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
Tryton module for account credit limit
A cross-platform client to perform collaborative and reproducible benchmarking, optimization and co-design of software and hardware for emerging workloads (AI, ML, quantum, IoT) via the open cKnowledge.io portal
Sphinx Extension to run diff-only linkchecks
Elastic seach powered full text search for Nereid Webshop
A pytablewriter plugin to provide a theme that colored rows alternatively.
Tryton Newsletter Module
Pip package to interact with the eAE-interface
Run your tests in Bubblewrap sandboxes
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