104 projects with the selected classifier
Plugin to integrate Algolia Search with Pelican SSG
Pelican plugin that automates image processing.
Enables use of xml stylesheets for human-readable feed generation.
Pelican plugin that converts Mau-formatted content into HTML
Pelican plugin to redirect to any URL
Simple helper for automation Pelican-based site building
Pelican plugin for YAML-formatted Markdown metadata headers
Neighbors is a Pelican plugin that adds Next/Previous links to articles
Pelican plugin that supports Liquid-style tags in Markdown documents
Pelican plugin to add footnotes to articles and pages
Pelican Mini Wiki allows you to add a minimal wiki to any Pelican theme and website.
Pelican plugin for wrapping table into classed div
Filter elements from feeds according to custom rules
Pelican plugin to minify HTML, CSS and Javascript
Set date on generated files based on metadata from content
An installable version of the original Pelican Series plugin
Pelican plugin implementing Linkback protocols, on the linking server side
Pelican plugin wrapper for 'py-gesetze'
Reader plugin for Markdown-IT-py replacement
Pelican plugin wrapper for 'web-compressor'
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