92 projects with the selected classifier
Plugin to generate social media cards with post title embedded
Pelican plugin to generate sitemap in plain-text or XML format
Encapsulate standalone images in a figure tag and add a figcaption tag.
Microblogging for Pelican
Add captions and labels to figures, tables and code blocks.
Enables nested categories and multiple categories per article
Libravatar/Gravatar plugin for Pelican
Pelican plugin that adds a link to post source content
Easily embed Time.Graphics timelines in your Pelican articles
Allows the use of BibTeX citations within a Pelican site
Adds CSS classes to html tags in Pelican documents
Plugin to integrate Algolia Search with Pelican SSG
Pelican plugin that automates image processing.
Pelican theme, first used for Minchin.ca.
Enables use of xml stylesheets for human-readable feed generation.
Pelican plugin that converts Mau-formatted content into HTML
Pelican plugin to redirect to any URL
Simple helper for automation Pelican-based site building
LaTeX pre-rendering for pelican with katex.js
Pelican plugin that adds a `.nojekyll` file to the output root. Useful for publishing to Github Pages. Written in Python.
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