971 projects with the selected classifier
copy-scanner is now hiscanner
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Config
Did you mean to install accretion_cli?
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::MSK
sparv-freeling is now sparv-sbx-freeling
Python Gaussian Network Model
Simple wrapper for Google Reader API.
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::CloudFormation
AWS::Omics Construct Library
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::ElastiCache
earthdata is now earthaccess
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::EKS
Alarm Actions for AWS CloudWatch CDK library
The imagecodecs-lite package is deprecated. Use the imagecodecs package instead.
This package is parked by the Semgrep team. See https://github.com/returntocorp/semgrep for more information.
Zope2/ Plone Integration with YAFOWIL
AWS::Oam Construct Library
proxycurl is now proxycurl-py
Next generation forms in javascript
Passphrase Generator
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