156 projects with the selected classifier
Quick setup utility for sphinx
LaTeX Jinja2 i18n utilities.
Python documentation generator
A small program that converts latex snippets to png
a tool to fix and simplify bib automatically.
Latexmake completely automates the process of generating a LaTeX document.
Templates for dexy projects.
Fensterbrief is a python script for working with letters based on LaTeX and Markdown.
Document Automation
GUI of a LaTeX math converter to unicode text
YaLafi LSP server for spellchecking LaTeX documents
A tool to build a course (from list of exercices, lectures, etc.)
Jupyter/IPython notebook to latex converter and spell checker
An opinionated Python CLI to create, organize, and prettify specific files of a LaTeX project.
LaTeX CV generator engine from a YAML input file
A package to save matplotlib figures for easy inclusion in LaTeX.
Given a title returns a bibtex
General purpose utility library
Markup language similar to Markdown targeting scientific reports, software documentation, books, blog posts, and slides. DocOnce can generate LaTeX, Sphinx, HTML, IPython notebooks, Markdown, MediaWiki, and other formats
LaTex style generator for ttf/otf fonts. Supports Smufl.
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