838 projects with the selected classifier
RHVoice TTS plugin for Mycroft
Lightweight framework to build Telegram bots.
GAR constants for m3
Tryton module to manage Web users
Дизайнер отчетов на основе Stimulsoft Report Js
Tryton module for incoterms
Tryton module for SEPA payment
Пакет для автоматизации взаимодействия с пакетным режимом 1С.
Tryton module for stock and inventory
Morphological analyzer (POS tagger + inflection engine) for Russian language.
Shell pipelines in Python using shell-like syntax
Сервис отправки push-уведомлений через FCM
Tryton Payment Gateway Stripe Module
Tryton module to manage marketing mailing lists
Add payment acceptance to your projects.
Адаптер для BPMN-движка Camunda
Django-url-methods provide various methods to work with urls
Authenticate without password
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