1,066 projects with the selected classifier
Say hello!
Pipeline for running RapidPE and RIFT parameter estimation codes
it is hard to use a web browser nowadays
MIDI keyboards/machines support for Plover
pulp-npm plugin for the Pulp Project
Stimwrap: a Python interface for STIM
A SageMath package for computing with adèles and idèles over number fields
Some tools for making colormaps
CLI plugin for managing an OMERO.server
Clean up HTML using BeautifulSoup and filter rules.
Sync FLAC music files to Ogg Vorbis (or keep lossy as-is)
Paragraph-preserving formatter for argparse
Sage implementation for bases of multipolynomials
Python module which provides mock classes that emulate file access methods in os, os.path, glob.
A GUI for easy recording of JACK audio sources using jack_capture.
simple feed aggregator
A digit doctoring detection package
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