263 projects with the selected classifier
A minimal JupyterLab extension opening a main area widget.
JupyterLab extension to display arbitrary text in the top bar
A JupyterLab extension.
Extension to kill kernel on tab closing
JupyterLite loader for Xeus kernels
A JupyterLab extension to send notebook execution and activity to a self-hosted backend.
JupyterLab extension of executing the scripts
A JupyterLab dashboard extension to visualiaze data from students.
JupyterLab Toolbar Theme Toggler
A JupyterLab extension for OpenSARLab. On server startup, display current storage usage and any Google Calendar notifications.
Connect JupyterLab to Lightrail AI
JupyterLab theme extension with dark background and low saturation
jupyterlab logo change.
Jupyter Extension to show resource usage
A JupyterLab extension to submit notebook to webcat.
A JupyterLab extension. Integrate JupyterLab and Neovim
Grader Labextension is a JupyterLab extension to enable automatic grading of assignment notebooks.
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