223 projects with the selected classifier
中古漢語自動標註工具 Middle Chinese Pronunciation Automatic Labeling Tool
muchu's android story chain app with jsonp web service
Onion Model in Python
Insuranceqa Corpus in Chinese for Machine Learning
zhconv as in MediaWiki with extra rulesets from OpenCC, oxidized with more efficiency 🦀
Pure javascript files upload tool for Plone, with drag and drop, multi selection, and progress bar.
A library to parse episode info from anime title
Package for the both Chinese poetry and chess game. The rules of the game
A graphical user interface version checker for open source project.
Links to https://github.com/kunansy/rnc
Computer Vision wrapper library for Teenagers
RelExt: A Tool for Relation Extraction from Text.
Stopwords filter for Chinese
SpacemanX is a module used to create space (make room) between semi-width and full-width characters.
A simple converter between Chinese and arabic number
Articut NLP system provides not only finest results on Chinese word segmentaion (CWS), Part-of-Speech tagging (POS) and Named Entity Recogintion tagging (NER), but also the fastest online API service in the NLP industry.
Conversion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese
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