142 projects with the selected classifier
此模块实现了一个总线设备管理器。所有被管理的设备使用 Mewtocol 协议通信,作为从机。通常总线类型是 RS485。对内核科技RS485接口的输入输出模块、单轴运动控制模块提供高层次API支持。
A module that implements the UI part of touch module.
Un paquete para saludar y despedir
A module that wraps SmartRay 3D camera SDK.
The powerful open source RPA platform for business (pyOpenRPA)
C++ and Python library for Polarizable Embedding
My test package
this is dvsnier email.
A program helping predict and plan city vehicular flux
Adaptive Differential Evolution based on Exploration and Exploitation Control (AEEC-DE)
Get social media profiles of anyone
A module that wraps matplotlib with wxAgg backend.
A General Purpose Global Data Analysis Package
Python realization of LiveJournal (LJ) API.Checkout https://github.com/daniilr/python-lj for more info
Generative Manifold Networks
a wrapper for the anime images api
Yet another corretion to the 'yet another correction to just a k-mer counter...'
Module package used for the Microfaune project
A small library for exploring the Circular Restricted 3-Body Problem (CR3BP)
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