22 projects with the selected classifier
check_paloalto is a Nagios/Icinga plugin for Palo Alto Next Generation Firewalls. It is written in Python and based on the PA REST API.
A simple script to parse a rss and download its mp3 files
A package for mapping metadata attributes from proprietary file format schemas to a json schema document.
Python Library to explain tree ensembles using rules
This code attempts to predict the influence of osmolytes on protein stability
Set of Highly customizable sphinx themes. hackish, milkish, fandango, clear, fluid, garri, water and sugar.
Pure python mmh3 implementation compatible with python2 and python3
Library for computation of Loss and risk for Changing Natural Hazards
South Africa Calibration for OG-Core
This is a test
Xspf playlist files cleaner
check_paloalto_ng is a Nagios/Icinga plugin for Palo Alto Next Generation Firewalls. It is written in Python and based on the PA REST API.
A easy dashboard package
"Read, load, and process Mars Climate Sounder data"
USA calibration for OG-Core
Mutational Signature Simulation
A small text cleaning package
Mathematical expression parser: cython wrapper around the 'C++ Mathematical Expression Toolkit Library'
This code reads and writes the old Protein Data Bank format.
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