188 projects with the selected classifier
Wrappers for the framework OpenDirectory on macOS
Wrappers for the framework SharedWithYouCore on macOS
Wrappers for the framework Intents on macOS
Wrappers for the framework FileProviderUI on macOS
Wrappers for the framework ExternalAccessory on macOS
Create standalone Mac OS X plugins with Python
Wrappers for the framework UserNotificationsUI on macOS
Wrappers for the framework AuthenticationServices on macOS
Wrappers for the framework NetFS on macOS
Wrappers for the framework SyncServices on macOS
Wrappers for the framework CoreMediaIO on macOS
Wrappers for the framework AVFoundation on macOS
Wrappers for the framework BusinessChat on macOS
Wrappers for the framework IOBluetooth on macOS
Wrappers for the framework CoreWLAN on macOS
Wrappers for the framework SpriteKit on macOS
Wrappers for the framework MLCompute on macOS
Wrappers for the framework ExceptionHandling on macOS
Python Game Development
Wrappers for the framework DVDPlayback on macOS
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