27 projects with the selected classifier
Python 3 utility library
A Python Progressbar library to provide visual (yet text based) progress to long running operations.
Python wrapper and CLI for CloudEndure
Python realization of LiveJournal (LJ) API.Checkout https://github.com/daniilr/python-lj for more info
Visualize database relationship for SQLAlchemy
Realtime communication for Python web applications
A very basic program
The Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library for DicksonUI
Makefile execution powered by pure Python
Simple subclass wrapper around `threading.Thread` to get the return value from a thread in python. Exact same interface as `threading.Thread`! 🌟 Star this repo if you found it useful! 🌟
Python Space Physics (RymdFysik) Utilities
base64 Image Encoder and Embedder for HTML, CSS, Markdown, LESS, SASS
Reconstructable preprocessor library
Python client and CLI for RISC
Fast, Extensible Progress Meter
Pretty-print `git` repository collaborators sorted by contributions
Deadlink Check Utility using Python Modules
doc to argparse driven by docopt
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