202 projects with the selected classifier
Generate Barcodes for Any Models
Meta package for oca-stock-logistics-reporting Odoo addons
This module extends the functionality of sales to allow you to set a sales order done back to state 'Sale Order'.
Split a picking in two not transferred pickings
Allows to reconcile based on the PO line
Management System - Action
Move locked to prevent modification
Website company logo
Show cookie notice according to cookie law
This module hides analytics lines from accounting menus and disable their generation from an invoice or a move line.
Meta package for oca-l10n-switzerland Odoo addons
Meta package for oca-mis-builder Odoo addons
Meta package for oca-intrastat-extrastat Odoo addons
Meta package for oca-web Odoo addons
Export data in csv file with SQL requests
Account Fiscal Year
Meta package for oca-account-financial-tools Odoo addons
Claim types for CRM
Meta package for oca-product-variant Odoo addons
Meta package for oca-multi-company Odoo addons
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