27 projects with the selected classifier
Emacs minor mode for generating and interacting with jupyter notebooks
Assistant who handles your appointments, tasks and note-taking when you're away from your computer
Converts Obsidian style markdown files to Org-Mode files using pandoc.
Python client for Emacs RPC servers started with Porthole
Python interface to GNU Emacs.
Ref Man Python Module
Man Pages for Commands without Man Pages
django-orgco implements a template tag to use orgco easily in django templates
Generate ctags from eggs for development.
Emacs documentation support for Sphinx
Adds flavor of interactive filtering to the traditional pipe concept of shell
An emacs mode for using rope python refactoring library
low-resource writer's software for screenplays and fiction
An Emacs inspired macro framework for Qt.
With orgco you can convert Emacs' orgmode to other formats.
Python program to get a random voiceline from an Apex Legend
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