712 projects with the selected classifier
BeakerX: Beaker Extensions for Jupyter Notebook
Extended 'namedtuple' by default values.
Dependency manager for Jupyter Notebooks
Python port of KiloSort 2
a mindmap tool for jupyter notebook
Emacs minor mode for generating and interacting with jupyter notebooks
A widget for visualising *large* data sets.
GOFit: Global Optimization for Fitting problems
Library for applying haplotypes to reference DNA sequences
Python Highcharts wrapper
A widget for interactive machine learning using CHISSL
A Juyter kernel for MATLAB.
Library to work with two-line element set files
Visualization tools for the qubit Bloch sphere
A Python wrapper to the CUTEst optimization test environment
Deprecated 'pandas-profiling' package, use 'ydata-profiling' instead
A Jupyter widget that renders the Microsoft Monaco text editor inline within the notebook
seqviz is a Python package to visualize sequence tagging results. It can be either be used to print to console or in Jupyter Notebooks.
Ipython extension for VDK
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