1,487 projects with the selected classifier
Geometric donut engine
('Draws nightsky allskymaps',)
Compress JLA-like supernova data
Statistics of list of (x, y) pairs from calculator-style summation registers.
The Astrophysical Multipurpose Software Environment - SeBa
Event generator for supernova burst neutrinos
Pipeline for running RapidPE and RIFT parameter estimation codes
Tools to expand on pandas functionality for astronomical operations.
Non-parametric morphological diagnostics of galaxy images
Tools for working with transiting exoplanet populations.
Tidal Dynamics and Thermal-Orbital Evolution Software Suite Implemented in Cython and Python
Web scraping for JWST
An End-to-End Python Package for Interpreting Telescope Datasets through Training Machine Learning Models, Generating Statistical Reports, and Visualizing Results
ctapipe plugin for reading LST prototype files
The LOFAR Local Sky Model Tool
pulsarbat (PULSAR Baseband Analysis Tools) is a Python package for analysis of radio baseband observations of pulsars.
Astrophysical simulation project documentation package
Pipeline infrastructure for the Rubin Science Pipelines.
API client for the supaharris.com globular & star cluster database
The last plotting package you'll ever need.
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