150 projects with the selected classifier
URW Dingbats typeface
Easily use Quill.js in your django admin.
A Django app for examining web fonts and the characters they contain.
A tool to optimize fonts for web distribution.
TruFont, a modular and cross-platform font editor.
Converting Gregorian and Solar dates to Kurdish date
Caladea serif font
Pure-python FIGlet implementation
Carlito typeface
Find which fonts support specified character
Tools to manipulate font files
friendly font operations on top of fontTools.
UFO font editor for Workbench applications.
Tools for extracting data from font binaries into UFO objects.
ufoLib2 is a UFO font processing library.
Extracts HTML data with python regex and convert the data to a csv file
Arial Black typeface
Make me them backups
Python bindings for the Brotli compression library
Easily create font subsets containing only characters used in your text or website
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