1,157 projects with the selected classifier
akrocansim is a CAN bus J1939 controller simulator
A wrapper around ChaN's FatFS library for FAT filesystem manipulation.
Battery cycler control used to execute custom profile on multiple battery technologies.
CLI tool for install firmware for CircuitPython boards
CircuitPython helper for Adafruit MatrixPortal M4, Adafruit RGB Matrix Shield + Metro M4 Airlift Lite, and Adafruit RGB Matrix FeatherWings
RumBoot ROM Loader Tools
Helpers for getting USB descriptors
iRobot Create2 library for Raspberry Pi
Python your own Adventure - card & button game
A driver for the ST LPS35HW water resistant mems pressure sensor
Support test automation for setuptools / distutils.
Library to handle sparse bytes within a virtual memory space
Extensive CRC
ACID transaction with common files
CircuitPython library for Adafruit PCA9554 GPIO expanders
Python module and a Tango Device Server to gain control to instruments that support the scpi protocol. Brother project of the scpilib.
Python drivers for the GUVA-C32SM and GUVB-C31SM I2C UV sensors
MicroPython Driver for the TDK Barometric Pressure
A python logging adapter for diagnostic log and trace protocol.
Q-CTRL Open Controls
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