363 projects with the selected classifier
Zope database adapter for PostGreSQL
Create, edit and use hierarchical taxonomies in Plone!
A generic database adapter for Zope
ZODB based heavy duty Zope session implementation.
ZC Buildout recipe for installing a ZEO server
PasteDeploy entry point for the werkzeug WSGI server
A LDAP-enabled Zope user folder
Cache managers for Zope
Zope temporary folder support.
Add BBCode in the site and transform it.
Subrequests for Zope2
Document Templating Markup Language (DTML)
Zope catalog index for paths
A SQLAlchemy wrapper for Zope
Connector and Query object for zope & sqlalchemy
The Plone Content Management System
Generates a Graphviz file (or directly creates an SVG) from a Zope/CMF DCWorkflow defintion.
Configurable viewlet manager
Patches for Zope's ZTUtils in order to make 'make_query' and 'make_hidden_input* more flexible and more reliable.
A RAM-based storage for ZODB
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