194 projects with the selected classifier
Very basic event publishing system
Logic is Panic's prey.
Support test automation for setuptools / distutils.
Implement quiclky authentification in flask using postgres and flask-security
YouTube video downloader
OpenCanary daemon
Parser for CSharp programming language.
Generic automation framework for acceptance testing and robotic process automation (RPA)
Parser for C programming language.
Python tools for PHREEQC.
Pika Python AMQP Client Library
Statsd metrics classes and clients
Parse the raw HTTP Request/ Response to the Object
The 'yapydata provides miscellaneous low-level *Python* data access APIs.
echinopsii Pika Python AMQP Client Library
Formats Python log messages as log4j XMLLayout XML
behavecrackle is behaviour-driven development, Python style
Aglyph is a Dependency Injection framework for Python.
ORM classes for the cruise schema
get_reader() returns csv.reader-like objects from multiple sources
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