179 projects with the selected classifier
Rice aka USES aka SZIP decoder in Python/Cython
directory packaging tool
Python function to stream unzip all the files in a ZIP archive, without loading the entire ZIP file into memory or any of its uncompressed files
Monkey patch the standard zipfile module to enable DCL Implode support
Mycroft skill installer from .zip or .tar.gz urls
Command line utilities for creating zip files
TimeSeries Compressor
A python-facing API for creating and interacting with ZIM files
Read and write ZIP files - backport of the zipfile module from Python 3.8
Batch compression for PNG images
Python bindings to the heatshrink library
A Simple Compression Solution
A collection of tools for neural compression enthusiasts
A package extraction tool
Provides an object-oriented python interface to the PnetCDF library
A helper tool to upload and manage archives in AWS Glacier Vaults
Duplicity backup to S3 for production servers using simple yaml config file.
Python binding for paq9a
Hammerspace CLI tool and python toolkit (hstk)
Python wrapper for FastLZ, a lightning-fast lossless compression library.
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