365 projects with the selected classifier
ISO country, subdivision, language, currency and script definitions and their translations
Form model based on Django, Flask
Generating Message Queue
A library for Industrial Engineering
A secrets manager for AWS and GCP
Analysis and visualization of molecular structures and 3D microscopy
Django app that provides a backend for the tinymce spellcheck plugin. Particularly useful for Mezzanine
Device driver for the Agilent 34401A digital multimeter.
Django reCaptcha v3 field/widget
Instrument driver for PI E709 piezo stage for NOMAD-CAMELS
Python package for generation of RPI configuration/build
Pure python implementation of SSL and TLS.
Shows a dialog popup with helptext for the admin fields that you have indicated.
This is a Python wrapper for the FLTK
PEP8 linter for ulint
This packes a demo SMU instrument for the NOMAD CAMELS sandbox
python bit recaster
An API client for Blackboard Learn
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