10,000+ projects with the selected classifier
A Kafka consumer for InfluxDB
A pure Python interface for the Raspberry Pi camera module, with extra features and fixes.
It is a terminal robot which can chat with you.
Enumerate AWS resources and index them in ElasticSearch
The teambition-aliyun module of Aliyun Python sdk.
A Python client for mojePaństwo API.
Attempt to cast any value to a specified type
Magic Type Introspection And Runtime Parameter Type/Value Checking.
Package to ease the process of creating a new Jekyll post
A Telegram bot to admin your server
Use evolutionary algorithms instead of gridsearch in scikit-learn.
Gradientzoo python bindings
OpenCred integration for Django.
Simple wsgi middleware to provide basic http auth
Semi-automatic versioning for git users.
Beauty Django Views Mixin
tool for downloading IE VMs with checksum
Pythonic DBus library
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