16 projects with the selected classifier
ReactorAuth is a set of classes that allow easy implementation of authorization in web frameworks.
An anlologue of Zope 3 "content providers" for repoze.bfg
Gevent-based Socket.IO pyramid integration and helpers
Client for Errormator reporting - supporting WSGI and django (http://errormator.com)
A lean compiled templating system with support for i18n
Mako template bindings for repoze.bfg
Framework for reusable and composable UI with repoze.bfg.
Templating framework for Pyramid.
a repoze.bfg wsgi app to provide a search engine for your python packages
Test-friendly Python API for Selenium and integration with web application frameworks.
Sessioned chat system linking Ajax web interfaces with internal Jabber services
Simple Web application for manage a personal database of DVD movies
Jinja2 template bindings for repoze.bfg
The repoze.bfg web application framework
Client for AppEnlight reporting - WSGI applications and django monitoring (http://getappenlight.com)
Skin support for BFG.
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