71 projects with the selected classifier
CLI Snake game.
(not so) small python curses space game
DIAMBRA™ Arena Engine API Client
GUI extension for the Python game library Arcade https://arcade.academy/
Sphinx extension for embeding Isso comments in documents
A game loosely inspired by the original Spacewar
Python asteroids game demonstrating pyagents library
A clone of the game Asteroids, with some extra bells and whistles
Asteroids game
A breath-taking side-scroller focusing on round lifeforms
Stuntcat is the first pygame 2 community game.
A textual, terminal spin on an arcade classic
Tools for configuring Ultimarc USB devices
Free Python Games
An agent-based implementation of Schelling's segregation model
Classic Hangman game with Pygame & Python touch
DIAMBRA™ Command Line Interface
BitMasher, a text adventure game where you act as an antivirus attempting to rid a computer of a RANSOMWARE attack.
Snake game for Farama Gymnasium
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