103 projects with the selected classifier
Support test automation for setuptools / distutils.
A library to control the myRIO board from National Instruments
Python 3 utility library
A Python Framework for eIQ on i.MX Processors
The hubbub bot of the future!
Herramientas Demostración para el Conectese con SIG - ArcGIS Pro.
A python package for the color sensor S11059-02DT
The 'yapydata provides miscellaneous low-level *Python* data access APIs.
PCF8574 driver to set pin mode, read and write digital signal 3.3v
Gramps (Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System)
Library for performing speech recognition, with support for several engines and APIs, online and offline.
Extended 'namedtuple' by default values.
Serverless Orchestrator of Serverless Workers
Command-line access to the controller-based CloudGenix ION Troubleshooting Toolkit.
ownet: access 1-wire sensors
Python Machine Learning Client for SAP HANA
Cross-platform uptime library
Litle & Co. SDK for Python
Utilities for simplified gain of runtime information on source code and binary locations.
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