10,000+ projects with the selected classifier
Next generation forms in javascript
An easy lightweight web framework by python.
An IRC utility bot
The remote jupyter kernel/kernels administration utility
C99 headers and libraries that are missing from the C compilers for Python2.
Specify the UTC offset in Python 2 logging
Generic python bindings to connect to the Poplus components
zc.buildout recipe for creating a virtual Python installation
Execute a user defined shell action after clean checkout
The password encryption utility
AJAX autocomplete widget for z3c.form
Inspect installed icon themes.
SSH to your your private EC2 instances by ID
DEnsity-BAsed CLustering
Traceroute parser
Emacs documentation support for Sphinx
A cloud deployment, automation, and orchestration platform for everyone.
Extensions for the Kitty fuzzing framework
The Sphinx extension embedding a Sage cell into a webpage
Package that extends and wraps Ignition Scripting API
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