1,182 projects with the selected classifier
LegLag is an electronic structure package for 1D molecules
Cython-based Python bindings for dear imgui
Quantitative X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis Support Library
Software library for grazing-incidence/fibre X-Ray data analysis
Fast Python bindings for Assimp.
ReacNetGenerator: An automatic reaction network generator for reactive molecular dynamics simulation.
Implementation of stabilized Barzilai-Borwein Method for gradient descent problems
SaltStack extension for sapcontrol
pycddlib is a Python wrapper for Komei Fukuda's cddlib.
Application to visualize fractals of mandelbrot and julia.
Py-ART: Python ARM Radar Toolkit
Python/Cython lib for solving Stochastic Ordinary Differential Equations
Library to handle sparse bytes within a virtual memory space
Astronomy data reduction library
Particlization model for relativistic heavy-ion collisions
Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python
DNA input and output library for Python and Cython. Includes reader and writer for FASTA and FASTQ files, support for samtools faidx files, and generators for solid and gapped q-grams (k-mers).
Module for secure (re)moving files and folders with content
Mathematical expression parser: cython wrapper around the 'C++ Mathematical Expression Toolkit Library'
Hexagonal mapmaking toolkit
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